Working with Generators

Javascript Generator Series

This article is part of a series of articles about ES6 generators. The plan is to explore iterators and generators, starting with what they are and show casing different situations where they can be useful.

  1. Introduction to ES6 Iterators and Generators
  2. Working with Generators
  3. Async/Await with Generators


Generators have a lot of great applications, such as the randomInts generator below. In this article we’ll however force the example a bit by also combining this generator with a zip generator to produce a rollCharacter function for D&D character creation.

In D&D there are six different attributes: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Each attribute is rolled by the use of 3d6 (roll three six sided dice and add the results).

The attributes will be modelled as an array of strings:

const characterAttributes = [

The result of calling rollCharacter should work like this:

// [[ 'Strength', 17 ],
//  [ 'Constituion', 6 ],
//  [ 'Dexterity', 15 ],
//  [ 'Intelligence', 12 ],
//  [ 'Wisdom', 8 ],
//  [ 'Charisma', 11 ]]

Infinite random number generator

The dice can be simulated as an infinite generator where each call to next() simulates a roll. Our generator function will be called randomInt(lower, upper, seed) and take a lower value, an upper value and a seed.

const randomSeed = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)

function* randomInts(lower, upper, seed = randomSeed()) {
	while (true) {
		const x = Math.sin(seed++) * 10000
		const random = x - Math.floor(x)
		yield Math.round(lower + random * (upper - lower))

const d20 = randomInts(1, 20) // 13 // 1 - oh no, a fumble!

One benefit of defining a randomInt as a generator instead of a normal function is that we can produce a reproducable stream of values by giving the generator the same seed value, since it’s keeping all it’s state internal. This is great for testing.

Combining iterators

Since both arrays (our characterAttributes) and generators are Iterable it would be nice if we could simply iterate them together and create pairs like ['Strength', 13]. One pair for each attribute.

Many functional languages have a function called zip that does just that. While Javascript doesn’t come with zip by default, Lodash has it. Unfortunately the Lodash version does not support iterators so let’s define our own.

zip will take any number of Iterables and generate groups until any of the iterations are exhausted.

;[['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, 2, 3, 4])] // => [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]]

The ... in front of zip is the spread operator (also part of ES6) which will “spread out” all values generated by zip.

We’ll start by implementing two helper generators, produceWhile and mappedGenerator.


The generator produceWhile will continue to generate values through the produce function until the predicate returns false.

function* produceWhile(produce, predicate) {
	let value = produce()
	while (predicate(value)) {
		yield value
		value = produce()


mappedGenerator wraps another generator by mapping the values it produces with the mapper function:

function* mappedGenerator(generator, mapper) {
	let result =
	while (!result.done) {
		yield mapper(result.value)
		result =


With these two helpers in place we are ready to implement our zip generator function.

function* zip(...iterables) {
	// Get Iterators for each Iterable
	const iterators = => iterable[Symbol.iterator]())

	// Produce groups of iterator results [IterResult1, IterResult2, ...] where each
	// IterResult is an object like { value: x, done: true|false }. Stop when any
	// IterResult is marked as done.
	const producer = produceWhile(
		() => =>,
		(value) => value.every((v) => !v.done)

	// Unbox the value from the iterator results
	yield* mappedGenerator(producer, (value) => => v.value))

Notice that zip makes use of the yield* construct. This delegates generation to a another iterator, in this case the mapped generator.

Putting it all together

With the zip implementation we can define our function as follows:

const zip = require('./zip')
const randomInts = require('./randomInts')

function rollCharacter() {
	const attributes = ['Strength', 'Constituion', 'Dexterity', 'Intelligence', 'Wisdom', 'Charisma']

	return [, randomInts(3, 18))]

// [[ 'Strength', 17 ],
//  [ 'Constituion', 6 ],
//  [ 'Dexterity', 15 ],
//  [ 'Intelligence', 12 ],
//  [ 'Wisdom', 8 ],
//  [ 'Charisma', 11 ]]

Here we combine a finite Iteratable attributes with an infinite one randomInts. Since zip stops when either is exhausted, it’s safe to use it together with the infinite one and the spread operator.